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Using Social Work Practices

Using Social Work Practices in My Role as a Counselor

In June of 2021 I was told about the amazing opportunity to work as a counselor in the Adult Services Program at CA Human Services. I was coming up on my second (and last) year of graduate school to earn my degree in clinical social work. I heard about the opportunity from a fellow counselor who had nothing but great things to say, so I jumped on the opportunity. The combined opportunity to work with individuals and the flexibility of the position made it so I could continue this work even during the school year.

One of the many great aspects of the position is that it allows me to use and practice social work skills with the individuals with whom I work. This not only gives me a chance to practice and bolster my clinical work, but also I use techniques to best help residents and clients.

Code of Ethics
All social workers abide by ethics and standards set forth by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics. This document clearly lays out all the ways that social workers agree to carry out their practice in alignment with their clients. Of course, this extends to my work as a counselor in the residential adult program. The standards include service to others, social justice, and the importance of human relationships, just to name a few. One of my favorite ethical principles included in the Code of Ethics is the importance of acknowledging and fostering the dignity and worth of everyone. Dignity and worth of a person reflect the standard that social workers treat every single person with respect and kindness while remaining mindful of differences. An additional element of that principle provides that it is the social worker’s responsibility to promote clients’ self-determination. I am lucky enough to be able to put that sentiment in practice every single week, as I carry out the mission of CA Human Services to help our clients realize their full potential.

National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (n.d.). NASW – National Association of Social Workers. https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

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9221 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, VA 23235
(804) 355-0300

FACT Autism Resource Center- 3509 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452



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