30-minute virtual magic show followed by a post-show Q&A. About this Event In his 30 minute virtual magic show, magician/autistic self-advocate Cody Clark combines magic, comedy, and storytelling to share what living with autism is like. Starting with his initial...
King Dave The Comedian brings his long awaited one hour stand up comedy show to Richmond, Virginia on Saturday, March 20, 2021. About this Event King Dave The Comedian brings his long awaited one hour stand up comedy show to Richmond, Virginia on Saturday, March 20,...
Come out for a wild night of completely uncensored stand-up comedy with your favorite local comedians from Third Rail Comedy and guests! About this Event Third Rail Comedy presents: A Third Rail Comedy Showcase It’s a new year, you’re...
Everyone loves a good story about the teamwork and triumph at the heart of America’s favorite pastime! On Friday, March 12 at 7:30 pm we will be showing “A League of Their Own” at the historic Grandin Theatre! Save the date and plan a Girls Night Out...
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring on the big screen at the Byrd Theatre We are limiting this public screening to 50 attendees. (Less than 10% of our capacity – lots of social distance!) Tickets will only be sold online. A few things to know: We...