1-800-649-8481 Toll Free

Dedicated to creating supportive communities where Virginia’s LGBTQ+ youth can define themselves, belong, and flourish.


Check out our programs and services for LGBTQ+ youth ages 11-20 based in Richmond, Charlottesville, and Petersburg as well as our programs and services for LGBTQ+ young adults 18-25 experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Side by Side supports parents, caregivers, and family members of LGBTQ+ youth and young adults. Check out our resources, programs, and services to help families in turn support their LGBTQ+ family members.

Side by Side VA also provides 1:1 support in dealing with mental health needs. Services can be obtained with one of our consulting clinicians either in person or virtually through telehealth.

Address: PO Box 5542 Richmond, VA 23220
Office phone: (804) 644 - 4800
Website URL: [add-link website=https://www.sidebysideva.org/]