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Adult Case Management – Intellectual Disabilities

Services are offered that assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in accessing the full range of needed support to assist them in their daily lives.


Day Support Services for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

The WTCSB Day Support Services Program is a non-residential structured program of activity or training for adults with intellectual disabilities. Through individual and small group instruction opportunities are provided for peer interactions, community integration and adaptive skills through integrated day activities while providing supports to ensure each individual’s health and safety. The goal of this program is maximum independence.


Group Home Residential Services

Western Tidewater Community Services Board offers several group home residential programs which are located throughout Suffolk and Isle of Wight. Referrals may come from WTCSB’s Intellectual Disability Case Managers and from other CSBs. Residential Group Homes for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities offer continual support including overnight staff to respond to the health, medical and behavioral needs of residents.

ID/DD Children’s Crisis

A change in a child’s typical behavior that places themselves, a caregiver, family member or anyone else in danger is a crisis situation. This typically results from the child’s reaction to a triggering event that they are unable to effectively cope with without supportive intervention. This program is designed to assist children under 18 who have experienced a crisis event that their family needs assistance to resolve. The mission is to help with developing and maintaining a stable and happy home for children who have been identified as having an intellectual or developmental disability.

Adult Case Management – Intellectual Disabilities

Services are offered that assist individuals with intellectual disabilities in accessing the full range of needed support to assist them in their daily lives.


Day Support Services for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

The WTCSB Day Support Services Program is a non-residential structured program of activity or training for adults with intellectual disabilities. Through individual and small group instruction opportunities are provided for peer interactions, community integration and adaptive skills through integrated day activities while providing supports to ensure each individual’s health and safety. The goal of this program is maximum independence.


Group Home Residential Services

Western Tidewater Community Services Board offers several group home residential programs which are located throughout Suffolk and Isle of Wight. Referrals may come from WTCSB’s Intellectual Disability Case Managers and from other CSBs. Residential Group Homes for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities offer continual support including overnight staff to respond to the health, medical and behavioral needs of residents.

ID/DD Children’s Crisis

A change in a child’s typical behavior that places themselves, a caregiver, family member or anyone else in danger is a crisis situation. This typically results from the child’s reaction to a triggering event that they are unable to effectively cope with without supportive intervention. This program is designed to assist children under 18 who have experienced a crisis event that their family needs assistance to resolve. The mission is to help with developing and maintaining a stable and happy home for children who have been identified as having an intellectual or developmental disability.


Respite Services

These services are short-term, time limited periods of care of an individual for the purpose of providing relief to the individual’s unpaid caregiver (typically a family member or guardian). Respite services may be necessary due to an emergency absence of the caregiver or for routine/periodic relief for the caregiver.


Address: 7025 Harbour View Boulevard
Address: Suite 119
City: Suffolk
State: Virginia
Postal Code: 23435
Office phone: (757) 925-2484
Website URL: {"title":"","url":"https:\/\/www.wtcsb.org\/","target":""}