KelsKids offers services which enable diagnosed disabled people of the world to gain a sense of freedom through our aquatic programs.
Our teaching methods for swim lessons, paddleboard and aquatic safety skills are extremely successful for everyone. Up to today, I can say we have shown 100% success in increased aquatic safety & swim skills for anyone age 3 years to 85 years (regardless of abilities & challenges) who has had 8 or more consecutive lessons with us.
Our programs incorporate & enhance global development; physical fitness, life saving and changing aquatic skills along with aquatic kinesthetic learning that reinforces cognitive goals.
Kelskids Year Round Programs for Anyone With Exceptional Needs and Their Siblings. Swim Lessons and S.U.P. Camps
Camp day fees are $260/child/week and all siblings are half price.
Scholarships are available upon request via email, on a first come first serve basis.
Email: [email protected]
Address: 2500 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-1415
Office phone: (252) 489-5589
Website URL: [add-link website=]
Contact Name: Kellie
Additional: camp - swimming