Autism Big Red Red Safety Toolkit
Provided by the National Autism Association – a PDF booklet / toolkit for caregivers / parents of those who are prone to wander off.
You can access the toolkit here:
The following is an excerpt from the first page of the toolkit:
If you are receiving this Big Red Safety Toolkit it means you are a caregiver for someone with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) who is prone to wandering off from a safe environment, and whose diagnosis may interfere with their ability to
recognize danger and/or stay safe.
Wandering, elopement, “running” or bolting behaviors among those within our community present unique safety risks, and
create extraordinary worry and stress among caregivers. Drowning fatalities following wandering incidents remain a
leading cause of death among those with ASD.
The National Autism Association is committed to providing direct aid and support to those at risk. As such, we are pleased to
provide you with this toolkit. To follow, you’ll find the following tools and resources:
• Caregiver Checklist
• Family Wandering Emergency Plan (FWEP)
• First-responder profile form. Please fill out and provide a copy to your local law enforcement agencies.
• Swimming Lessons Tool
• Root-cause Scenario & Strategies Tool
• Stop Sign Prompts
• Social Stories
• Caregiver Log
• Sample IEP Letter. (Never allow restraint/seclusion practices into any IEP as this increases associated risks.)
• How To Get Tracking Technology In Your Town
• General Awareness Letter: share with schools, homeowner’s association, law enforcement agencies, physicians, etc.
• Five Affordable Safety Tools
• Caregiver Resources One-sheeter