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Living in the CA House
I have been a resident of the CA Adult Programs for several years. In my time there, I have met people who have been lifelong friends and people who I don’t see any longer. Staff as well as residents have come and gone…
Listening vs. Hearing
As a Counselor at CA Human Services and an individual entering the field of social work, I have formed my career around listening. I am reminded of a client I worked
What can we start doing now?
What can we start doing now, at home to prepare our adolescent or young adult for independence? This is a question I am frequently asked by parents and supportive parties who have a neurodiverse adolescent or adult living at home.
Changes and ASD
I am one step closer to my own independence, which is what the Adult programs at CA helped me to do. However, changing from something familiar to something new and different is a challenge.
Kitchen Skills and Independence
Often when we think of kitchen skills, we think of cooking. While cooking is an important tool for us to be able to meet our basic need of nourishment, there are many aspects of cooking and kitchen management that are often overlooked as the foundation of independence in the kitchen.
Using Social Work Practices
One of my favorite ethical principles included in the Code of Ethics is the importance of acknowledging and fostering the dignity and worth of everyone.
A Tremendous Journey
How I Chose to be in the CA Residential Program. I recall in the first blog I wrote, it ended up being about my residential experience and the steps my family and I took to get me there.
Community Collaboration Boosts Community Impact
At CA we believe our community is best served when disability service providers collaborate to address the services gaps and needs for community members. We devote time and resources to this collaborative effort through daily outreach to community partners, virtual information sessions,
It’s Not Lazy: What is Demand Avoidance and Executive Functioning?
Demand avoidance or what I prefer: Persistent Drive for Autonomy is an avoidance of tasks for daily living and even avoidance of preferred tasks when asked to do so by another.
Autism Stigmas and Me
A stigma is, by definition, “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person.” As research for this blog, I asked for feedback from the autism community, both on social media and from those I know. I also spoke with people who may not be on the spectrum. I was able to compile a massive list of stigmas surrounding autism and other mental health factors. In compiling these lists, we also discussed how we may be able to change that view and help people better understand one another. .

4108 E. Parham Road,
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 355-0300
CA works with people with autism and other developmental disabilities and their families to help them thrive. Every day, we’re building a future where the most vulnerable Virginians can actively participate in our community and realize their full potential.
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