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No Wrong Door Virginia

When searching for resources, supports and services, people with disabilities often have to tell their story over and over and over and over…….You get the idea. But what if there was a better way. What if they could tell their story once. What if there were a way for that story to be shared safely from one provider to the next? Faster connections = time saved! The No Wrong Door Virginia database is changing how individuals are connected to the resources they need to live independently.

What is No Wrong Door?

No Wrong Door provides clients with a gateway to community services and government programs in their communities. It enables clients to approach the agency with the problem they need to address, rather than a preconceived idea of the programs or services they think that they should receive.

In 2001, Senior Navigator launched as the statewide database for services and support and in 2006 Virginia Department for Aging receives Virginia’s first Aging and Disability Resource Center grant to launch a No Wrong Door system. This system is a network of shared resources designed to streamline the process for being connected to resources throughout the commonwealth. Since 2001, the database has grown to over 26,000 programs and services.

But how does it work?

Individuals looking for resources call any of the providers and share your information and the types of services you are looking for. When you sign the consent form for No Wrong Door, you’ll only have to provide your information once, and with your permission providers can share your information between them. This saves time for the individuals looking for services and allows for providers to refer you to other providers and allow them to contact you. Not ready to sign the consent form? That’s okay! We can still share a list of resources with you.

Is it safe to share my information?

Yes! No Wrong Door operates under the federal guidelines of HIPAA.

I’m looking for resources. Who can I call?

Call CA Human Services! We have been a No Wrong Door provider for 2 years and can connect you with the services you or your loved ones need. Phone: 804-355-0300 or email: [email protected]

My organization provides resources and is interested in learning more about being a No Wrong Door partner!

Here are the 7 easy steps to become a partner and attend the next meeting No Wrong Door meeting on January 23rd from 9:30-11:00 at United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg. 2001 Maywill St #201, Richmond, VA 23230


If you still have questions, CA would love to chat with you and share our experience with No Wrong Door. Contact Liz Smith at 804-355-0300 or by email [email protected].




Stay connected to CA

9221 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, VA 23235
(804) 355-0300

FACT Autism Resource Center- 3509 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452



CA works with autistic people and their families to help them thrive. Every day, we’re building a future where the most vulnerable Virginians can actively participate in our community and realize their full potential.

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