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The Big Transition: Caregiver Workshop

The pandemic created a major shift in everyone's norm. Within this workshop caregivers will develop a toolkit to aid in the return to in person instruction.

La Gran Transición: Curso Para Padres y Cuidadores

La pandemia creó un cambio importante en la vida de todos. En
este curso, los cuidadores desarrollarán un juego de
herramientas para ayudar en el regreso a la instrucción en

ASCV Speaker Series: Morénike Giwa-Onaiwu

More information on the presentation coming soon! Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, PhD(c), MA is an educator, writer, public speaker, parent, and global advocate whose work focuses on meaningful community involvement and […]


Blue Ridge LEND Lunch & Learn

Rural Needs in Virginia: An introduction to the strengths and challenges of the Appalachian region of Virginia and the intersection of rural challenges with disability. The Blue Ridge LEND Program […]

Care for the Caregiver – Why taking care of yourself helps the whole family

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/care-for-the-caregiver-why-taking-care-of-yourself-helps-the-whole-family-tickets-167126773679 Tips for parents on how to re-energize their lives heading into fall and the start of school. Has the summer left you utterly worn out? Can you use some […]