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Trivia Time sponsored by Friendship Circle of VA

Featuring our game show host and FCVA Inclusive Leadership Board Member, Caleb! Lead by FCVA Inclusive Leadership Board Visit our website at www.friendshipcircleva.org

Program Subsidy Orientation

This orientation session is recommended for individuals/programs interested in the VDSS Subsidy Vendor Program to learn about the application process, all program requirements, and resources available to assist you, such […]

It’s Not Just Baby Talk

Participants will learn the importance of talking and singing with infants and toddlers. Participants will review the progression of language development. CDA Competency Goal: II VA Competency Goal: II Registrations: […]

Tireless Toddlers

The purpose of this workshop is to provide information on supporting the activity level of active toddlers and provide activities and experiences to enhance daily physical activity in group settings. […]

Social Skill Instruction: how we can do better

Social skills are incredibly complex to learn and even more difficult to teach. Effective instruction requires a deep understanding of cultural norms, social nuances, age-appropriate development, and how learning occurs […]

The Autistic Brain with Dr. Temple Grandin

Dr. Temple Grandin, a world-renowned autism spokesperson, scientist, and inventor, has served as an inspiration and role model to hundreds of thousands of families and persons with autism. In this […]

RVA Community Makers

RVA Community Makers 2020 mural in the Atrium. David Stover 2020   Miss Community Clovia of KISS Richmond and Praise 101 interviews the musical and visual artists participating in Richmond […]


Language and Literacy for Infants and Toddlers

How do you develop the language and literacy for someone who does not talk? This training will provide you with critical tools and techniques to enhance your ability to communicate […]

Especially for Early Childhood Teachers

Join your Central Virginia Child Care Aware specialists for an open discussion about your challenges and success of being an early childhood educator. The agenda will be created by the […]

Behind the Music Series: “The Lives of Isaac Stern”

A musical conversation with author, David Schoenbaum Moderated by VPM Radio Host, Mike Goldberg ​This is a live zoom event A centennial celebration of the career and legacy of the […]
