Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders frequently co-occur with autism spectrum disorders. Tune in to learn about potential triggers, such as autoimmune conditions, thyroid disorders, and post-strep infections, that can lead to psychological symptoms in adolescents and teens.
Free certificates of participation are available upon successful completion of a brief knowledge quiz after the webinar. The quiz will be added to this page once the event has concluded.
Dr. Kenneth Bock has lectured nationally and internationally for the past three decades on a broad range of topics. His lecture topics have included integrative approaches to immune system imbalances and disorders; detoxification; and the treatment of complex chronic illness, including Lyme disease and co-infections, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, and the integrative medicine treatment of children’s mood disorders, PANS/PANDAS/ITABI, autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies.