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A Tremendous Journey

How did I choose to be in the CA Residential Program? I recall in the first blog I wrote, it ended up being about my residential experience and the steps my family and I took to get me there. The experience has been such a tremendous journey and the best part...

Childcare in Crisis

Childcare is Crisis. Childcare centers struggle to keep their doors open and find it difficult to retain or even hire staff. This isn’t something new, but the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is closing in on it’s 2nd year, hasn’t helped matters. In fact, it has agitated...

Autism-Friendly Home

Autism-Friendly Home   According to Autism Speaks, approximately one in 54 children in the US are on the spectrum. This is nearly double the number of children with autism in 2010. We have learned a great deal about autism spectrum disorders (ASD) over the last...

Early signs of autism

Autism or Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is just that, a spectrum. There is not a set number of symptoms to define autism, nor is there a strict level of severity to the disorder. However, there is a standard of symptoms and only a professional who has been properly...

Aged out of early intervention services

Parents and caregivers of older children sometimes find it difficult to know what to do if their child is too old for early intervention services. If your Child is older than 36 months and has aged out of early intervention services, there are other resources...