by CAHumanServices | Dec 21, 2018 | Best Practice Blog
The Token Economy Token economies can be an effective way to manage contingencies in schools, home and the community. They are systems in which a child earns “tokens” that can be exchanged for a variety of preferred items. (Sound familiar? Our monetary system is a...
by CAHumanServices | Dec 3, 2018 | Best Practice Blog
Evidence based interventions. There are many interventions in existence claiming to be beneficial for individuals with autism. However, the field itself seems to be a magnet for interventions and therapies that are based in pseudo-science and have no research to...
by CAHumanServices | Sep 28, 2018 | Best Practice Blog
There is a widely held belief that individuals with developmental disabilities (DDs) are insensitive to pain/discomfort or have a high-threshold for pain. Thankfully, recent research has begun to challenge this notion. Instead, it is now becoming clear that...
by CAHumanServices | Jul 17, 2018 | Best Practice Blog
Antecedent Based Interventions (ABI) are a type of behavioral intervention designed to prevent challenging behavior. With ABI, we assess conditions of an environment, such as the location, materials, noise level, instructions, and people present. We also assess...
by CAHumanServices | May 21, 2018 | Dr. Oswald's Corner
In 2012 Flanagan and colleagues presented evidence that infants’ head lag during a pull-to-sit task at age six months was significantly associated with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder at 36 months. The authors acknowledged limitations of the study, including a...