Jesse Pearlstein
is a licensed clinical social worker with 10 years experience working with children, youth, and adults in a variety of settings including, outpatient, intensive inhome, school based, and residential. Jesse received his BS in psychology from James Madision University and his masters in Social Work from VCU. A former Peacecorps Volunteer, Jesse enjoys employing a multicultural lense in therapy, working from the perspective of coming from where the client is at.
Jesse views therapy as a form of partnership and takes a collaborative, person centered approach working together in a supportive environment. Through use of humor and a non judgemental approach Jesse assists clients with identifying and developing their strengths, empowering them in their healing process. Jesse believes that within each individual there is remarkable resiliency and genuinely enjoys supporting others in their healing journey.
- Specialties:
- Autism
- Children with behavioral disorders
- Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar
- Mindfulness and Somatic Experiencing
- Coping skills to improve emotional regulation
- Grief and Loss
- Working with young adults on life transitions
Email: [email protected]
Address: 5821 Staples Mill Road
City: Richmond
State: VA
Postal Code: 23228
Office phone: (804) 264-0966, ext 54