City of Alexandria Support Groups
An informal parent support group meets regularly on Thursday mornings at the Panera on Duke Street in Alexandria.
Autism Support
An Autism Support Group is facilitated by the City of Alexandria Public Schools held on the last Tuesday of each month, alternating morning and evening hours (10-noon or 7-9 p.m.) at TC Williams – Minnie Howard Campus, 3801 W. Braddock Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22302, Room 134. Please note that these meetings are attended by autism specialists in the school system. For more information, call Janet Reese at the Family Resources Center at 703-824-0129 or email her at [email protected].
Parents of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia is a chapter of the national POAC organization. It operates a list serve and offers parent support meetings (check their calendar for details). While the focus of educational information is on Fairfax County, the list serve is an excellent resource for information exchange and referrals to specialists. The website is particularly helpful for learning about free training events related to autism spectrum disorders. POAC-Nova maintains an extensive calendar of events throughout the metro area that relate to autism spectrum disorders. To sign up for the email list and to join the support group, contact Nicole Zupan at [email protected] or [email protected]. Support group meetings are typically held on Saturdays in the library at Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, 6304 Lee Chapel Rd., Burke, VA 22015.
Parents of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia holds regular meetings and has office space, a website and an email list. The group focuses primarily on issues in Fairfax County Public Schools but is open to all families in Northern Virginia. They hold educational sessions on special education and other issues twice annually. POAC-NoVA maintains an extensive listing of events in the DC Metro area, which includes many free seminars and lectures offered by public and private schools. A POAC-NoVA Parents Support Group Meeting is usually held on the first Saturday of every month from 10am to noon at the Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, 6304 Lee Chapel Road, Burke, VA. It is free and open to the public. For more information about the support group, contact Nicole Zupan at [email protected]. POAC-NoVA maintains a very active email list which is open to parent and non-parent members. Visit the website to become a member of the organization.
CHADD of Northern Virginia (CHADD-NOVA) is a chapter of the national CHADD organization (Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder CHADD-NOVA holds periodic meetings with presentations from professionals in the region and also keeps a calendar for support group meetings. For more information see or contact Ann Roberts at 703-641-8940.
City: Alexandria
State: VA
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