First-time clients in the City of Lynchburg, and counties of Campbell, Amherst, and Appomattox can be seen at Horizon’s Langhorne Wellness Center. The Admissions department is the primary contact for all new clients. The first step is to call our admissions number at 434-477-5000 to set up a client profile and schedule an assessment.
Horizon recognizes that people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD) can experience the highest quality of life when they have choice and control about their care and community participation. The role of the case manager is to support the inclusion of all people into their communities, starting at birth with parents and transitioning to adulthood. Horizon case managers listen and look for ways to ensure that clients served can create and maintain meaningful community connections, natural supports, meaningful work, and can live as independently as possible.
Criteria for Admission: The individual who meets criteria must demonstrate significant limits in intellectual and adaptive functioning that is evident between the ages of 6 and 22 years of age. In addition, the individual must be diagnosed with a documented developmental disability that lists level of severity and that the disability is chronic due to a mental and/or physical impairment and resulting in substantial functional limitations before 22 years of age.
Virginia has three Waivers for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities which are assessed and managed by Community Services Boards (CSBs). They are:
1. Building Independence Waiver: Adults who are 18-years and older, who are able to live independently may be eligible for this waiver. People with this waiver usually own, lease, or control their own living arrangements, and they don’t need supports all the time.
2. Family and Individual Supports Waiver: Individuals who live with their family, friends, or in their own homes may be eligible for this waiver. Individuals with medical and/or behavioral needs both adult and child may be eligible for this waiver.
3. Community Living Waiver: Adults and children who require supports in their homes may be eligible for this waiver.
If you reside in the City of Lynchburg or the Counties of Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford or Campbell County you can contact Horizon Behavioral Health to determine eligibility. Horizon staff will work with you to determine eligibility individual established by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). Everyone found eligible for waiver services is then added to a state-wide waiver waitlist. It is important to note that not everyone who requests an ID/DD Waiver will be found eligible and even when found eligible there may be a wait for a waiver slot. When available slots come open, a Waiver Slot Committee, made up of community volunteers and Department of Behavioral Health and Disability Services staff, select recipients from the list of people who have the highest level of need to receive the open waiver slot. Individuals may be on the wait list for years dependent on level of need, as level need changes so does placement on the waiver waitlist priority list.
For more information:
Navigating the DD waivers: my life my community
Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+) Waiver
This waiver is the former Elderly and/or Disabled Consumer Directed (EDCD) Waiver and the Assisted Technology (AT) Waivers. These waivers were combined into one singular waiver which is the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus (CCC+) Waiver.
Criteria for Admission:
- adults 65+ with a medical or nursing need and
- individuals less than 65 years with a disability and a medical or nursing need.
To request CCC Plus Waiver services, contact your local Virginia Department of Social Services (DSS) or local Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
City: Lynchburg (x4), Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford, Rustburg
State: Virginia
Office phone: 434-477-5000
Website URL: