Continuum is excited to announce we are now offering a six -week, online social skills group for teens ages 13-19 years, to provide easily accessible services from the comfort of your own home to all families. We utilize the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®) which was developed at UCLA in 2005 and is an evidenced-based curriculum. Each week your child will meet with his/her online group led by a licensed BCBA. There are six, 1-hour parent trainings provided on Tuesdays at 7pm and six, 1-hour interactive teen social skills group meetings on Saturdays at 10am. Teens will learn the week’s skill during a quick lesson taught by a licensed BCBA. They will practice the skill with a peer in an online breakout room. The BCBA will monitor the online breakout rooms, and provide guidance and feedback. All peers will rejoin the main group lesson room to finish with a group activity. Parent participation is required both during the parent trainings and social skill groups.
Program topics include:
– Conversational Skills
– Methods of communicating
– Handling difficult situations
– Managing Conflict
This course is available online only regardless of your home location.
For more information or to register contact:
Meredith Kimener, Director of Telehealth
Email: [email protected]
Address: 1651 Old Meadow Road
City: McLean
State: Virginia
Postal Code: 22102
Office phone: (703) 635-6846
Website URL: [add-link website=]
Contact Name: Meredith Kimener, Director of Telehealth